By this time, a day after the Presidential Inauguration, things would have settled down. Unlike in the past inaugurations, yesterday was not declared a holiday. It depends on who is speaking or who is listening on how that day must be observed. Some would say that the outgoing president felt bitter and does not like the winner of the last elections that is why he did not declare a holiday. Some pundits would rather go on point that it is the character of the new administration, that simplicity and down to earth-ness is the theme noting that many of the poor and the poorest of the poor would rather be the beneficiaries of the savings from such lavish ceremonies that the president and the vice president eschewed.

But will those “savings” benefit the poor and the poorest of the poor?

I think not.

Remember, such occasions have already been approved in the General Appropriations Act for 2016. It was already in the budget. Diverting such budgets in so called pro-poor programs is no longer an option no matter how noble the intention is in this post -DAP and post-PDAF times. If it is done then the proponent would be liable to technical malversation of funds. It is a criminal offense.

Now, having demolished that rationale, let me get to the point.

Qurino Grandstand

The Quirino Grandstand was where the inauguration of President Elpidio Quirino was undertaken. It is an exact replica of the grandstand where Philippine Independence was inaugurated in July 1946. It used to be called the Independence Grandstand.

The Qurino Grandstand faces the National Flagpole and the Rizal Monument. Why face them? The Rizal Monument and the National Flagpole are both “Kilometer Zero”. This is where national roads and highways are measured from. This is where the sense of the Filipino nation emanates. Why does Rizal face the sea?  Manila Bay? Before the age of airports, this is where the gates to the Philippines open. Each ship from countries around the world will enter Manila Bay past its sentinels, Corregidor Island and Sangley Point where the Spanish Fleet is located. The first thing that the foreigners will see are the Intramuros and Fort Santiago, the guardians of Manila.  That is why buildings and edifices where constructed facing Manila Bay. It is to show the best face of the country to the foreigners. That is the reason why Rizal is facing Manila Bay. That those who arrive will face the countenance of the National Hero.

That is another reason why the Quirino Grandstand face the Rizal Monument. Independence Day parades and presidential inaugurations are held in Quirino Grandstand so as to fall under the gaze of Jose Rizal. The First Filipino and the first to conceive of a Filipino Nation. New presidents will swear to defend and uphold the constitution under the gaze of Jose Rizal and in sight of the National Flagpole. This is that so they realize the responsibilities being bestowed upon them. This is not to make them grand, this is for them to realize that compared to the size of the monument and the height of the flagpole, they are to be not larger than the Filipino nation. It is to remind them that they cannot be  larger than what the country demands. It is to make them realize that they are servants and that history will be the ultimate judge. Rizal will be the parameter on how they perform.

That is the importance of a presidential inauguration at the Qurinino Grandstand and that it is not subject to budgets and pro-poor posturings. Many presidents forgot that significance, hence the tragedies of their administrations. They thought they were bigger that the nation.

The Malacanan Staircase

TV coverage was intensive and they would all point out the many traditions that happen during the inauguration. It was discussed that it would be traditional for the outgoing president to go down the staircase and the new president would ceremoniously go up the staircase. They went on and on who the presidents went up and down the staircase. But there was no in-depth stories about the real historical significance of the staircase.

Those staircases meant so much for President Manuel L. Quezon. For him, going up those staircases meant so much significance. It is told that there were many who pleaded that Jose Rizal not be executed. His sisters went to the gates of Malacanang, and grovelled at the feet of Governor General Polavieja to spare their brothers life. They were denied. But the stories about Rizal’s mother who went up the staircase on her knees so as to ask for mercy and clemency. Governor General Polavieja denied the pleas. Rizal was executed.

When Manuel L. Quezon became president, he knew that this is the first time that a Filipino would go up the staircase as a head of state. That the colonizers were no more. But more than power, Quezon knew that the same staircase where Rizal’s mother went up on her knees was the same staircase. That aside from power, there came a greater responsibility and duty. It was of mercy. Knowing the countless lives sacrificed for freedom and independence, President Quezon saw the value of Filipino lives and blood. He kept Rizal’s mother in mind. During his whole term as president, those condemned on death row were given executive clemency by President Quezon. Their sentences were commuted. There was no executions during the time of President Quezon.

The Presidential Desk

Having spared those on death row, the prisoners whose death sentences were commuted crafted a desk. This was then used as the Presidential Desk of President Quezon. All succeeding presidents used this desk. Only President Estrada, in his efforts to re-decorate Malacanang disposed of the desk and had another one made and used. He knew nothing of the significance of the desk. When President Arroyo came to power, she remembered the desk that her father used. But nobody seemed to know where it was kept among the furniture stored at the warehouse in Malacanang. It took Manuel Quezon III to recognize it and then it was returned to the presidential office and is until now in use.

The Office of the President is not only about power or justice. As President Quezon showed and by the significance of the staircase and the desk, the Office of the President is the fountain of Mercy in this country. It is not about life and death. It is all about the precious life of every Filipino. 

The real measurement of every Filipino leader is the capacity for mercy and value for the life of every Filipino.

Tradition has a reason.
